Failed loading overlay /boot/firmware/overlays/BBORG_LOAD-00A2.dtbo

This is my first time on working with capes on a BB and am having a little difficulty getting the Load Cape dtbo to load. I have been combing the google and the forums for solutions and I think figured out how it is supposed to work. I am running the following Linux version:
Linux BeagleBone-AI64 6.6.58-ti-rt-arm64-r17 #1 SMP PREEMPT_RT Wed Jan 15 04:58:38 UTC 2025 aarch64 GNU/Linux

I’m getting the following output from my console on booting:

Retrieving file: /Image
append: console=ttyS2,115200n8 earlycon=ns16550a,mmio32,0x02800000 root=/dev/mmclk0p2 ro rootfstype=ext4 rootwait net.ifnames=0
Retrieving file: /ti/k3-j721e-beagleboneai64.dtb
Retrieving file: /boot/firmware/overlays/BBORG_LOAD-00A2.dtbo
Failed loading overlay /boot/firmware/overlays/BBORG_LOAD-00A2.dtbo

Flattened Device Tree blob at 88000000

Booting using the fdt blob at 0x88000000
Working FDT set to 88000000
Loading Device Tree to 000000008ffe0000, end 000000008ffff165 … OK
Working FDT set to 8ffe0000

My uEnv.txt is:
set_bootargs=setenv bootargs console=${console} root=/dev/${bootpartition} rw
rooffstype=ext4 rootwait
uenvcmd=run set_mmc1;run set_bootargs;run loadimage;run loadfdt;printenv
bootargs;bootz $(loadaddr}-${ftdaddr}
fdtoverlays /boot/firmware/overlays/BBORG_LOAD-00A2.dtbo

From Linux Kernel
Failed loading overlay /boot/firmware/overlays/BBORG_LOAD-00A2.dtbo

My extLinux.conf is set to:
label eMMC (default)
kernel /Image
append root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 ro rootfstype=ext4 rootwait net.ifnames=0 quiet
fdtdir /
fdtoverlays /boot/firmware/overlays/BBORG_LOAD-00A2.dtbo
initrd /initrd.img

I downloaded the BeagleBoard Device-Tree branch, thread dtb-6.6, and have rebuilt and installed it.

I need some advice on how to get a little more detail on what is wrong with the dtbo file. u-Boot output doesn’t give me much information.


Okay, the problem is you are on a AI-64. The load cape overlay only works on the bbb. I gave up on the ai-64. Hopefully some one on here will be able to help with that.

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i see this posted here to…

Working on it… BBAI64 - Failed loading overlay /boot/firmware/overlays/BBORG_LOAD-00A2.dtbo · Issue #235 · beagleboard/ · GitHub

Waiting for hardware, really it’s just 8 pins that need to be toggled…


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Does it work with the BBAI board? I have one of these also and could limp by on it till the BBAI64 works with the load cape.

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This is a pure guess.

Pretty sure if the pins are called out in the base .dtsi as “okay” you can control them directly using libgpiod commands. If you are trying to export the pins, that is turned off and you will need to use libgpiod-dev and gpiod to enable. gpioinfo gpioset gpiodetect group of commands to run it from user space. You might have to probe the header to find them, its been while since touching that board so, this could be very wrong.