FFTW Weekly Report

Hi everyone,

There was not a lot of activity this week, mainly due to playing
catch-up on my thesis.

Highlights: Misc Repository [1]

ffmpeg's fft was seperated out of ffmpeg into its own small library (<39kB)
ffmpeg's fft is integrated with benchfft, for easy visualization


* fix real / reverse portions of ffmpeg's benchmark in benchfft
* fix benchfft's graphing features to display runtime rather than
mflops on the y-axis.

Please see my last post [2] for an initial graph of ffmpeg's fft vs
fftw with neon, as well as details about my plans with fftw.

[1] http://gitorious.org/gsoc2010-fftw-neon-misc
[2] http://gsoc2010-fftw-neon.blogspot.com/2010/07/this-ones-for-you-mru_15.html