gateone not working

I reflashed the newest image and was able to SSH into the BBB with putty

gate one however just gives a gateone page with no further prompts or much of anything

just a heads up on that image



i live in a debian world so angstrom is mostly different and i cant wait to get a debian image on this BBB

anyway here are the error logs from the gateone log

[I 130504 01:42:23 gateone:976] WebSocket opened (ANONYMOUS).
[W 130504 01:42:24 web:1393] 404 GET /favicon.ico ( 72.41ms
[W 130504 01:42:24 web:1961] Invalid cookie signature u'eyJ1cG4iOiAiQU5PTllNT1VTIiwgInNlc3Npb24iOiAiTURjNE1EaGtN
[E 130504 01:42:24 gateone:1024] Unknown WebSocket action: authenticate
[I 130504 01:42:24 web:1393] 200 GET /static/bookmarks/images/star.svg ( 21.89ms
[E 130504 01:43:25 gateone:1024] Unknown WebSocket action: new_terminal
[E 130504 01:43:25 gateone:1011] Error running plugin WebSocket action: ssh_get_connect_string
[I 130504 01:43:25 web:1393] 200 GET /static/ubuntumono-normal.woff ( 168.57ms
[I 130504 01:43:25 web:1393] 200 GET /static/ubuntumono-bold.woff ( 151.86ms

LOL on the off chance i tried firefox to access gate one and the last errors were using chrome

and it worked

still some weirdness in the logs as follows

[W 130504 01:56:51 iostream:382] Read error on 8: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:1359: error:14094418:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_B
YTES:tlsv1 alert unknown ca
[W 130504 01:56:51 iostream:382] Read error on 9: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:1359: error:14094418:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_B
YTES:tlsv1 alert unknown ca
[W 130504 01:56:54 iostream:382] Read error on 8: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:1359: error:14094418:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_B
YTES:tlsv1 alert unknown ca
[I 130504 01:56:56 web:1393] 302 GET / ( 3.86ms
[I 130504 01:56:56 web:1393] 302 GET /auth?next=%2F ( 21.09ms
[I 130504 01:56:56 web:1393] 200 GET / ( 23.12ms
[I 130504 01:56:56 web:1393] 200 GET /static/gateone.css ( 23.03ms
[I 130504 01:56:57 web:1393] 200 GET /static/gateone.js ( 381.48ms
[I 130504 01:56:58 web:1393] 200 GET /combined_js ( 209.75ms
[I 130504 01:56:59 web:1393] 200 GET /auth?check=True ( 9.81ms
[W 130504 01:56:59 web:1393] 404 GET /favicon.ico ( 72.84ms
[I 130504 01:56:59 gateone:976] WebSocket opened (ANONYMOUS).
[I 130504 01:57:02 web:1393] 200 GET /static/ubuntumono-normal.woff ( 125.85ms

  but i do have access using gateone now on firefox

Do you use client-side certificates in your browser? Looks like the
browser wants to authenticate itself to the server by sending a cert,
but the server doesn't know the CA that signed the cert. I don't know
how gateone handles client-side authentication, but it may be the
cause the problems. Try to disable cert authentication in the browser.
