Getting started with Beagle Bone Black Rev C3

I recently started working with Beagle Bone Black Rev C3. I’m very confused. I need help/ direction to move forward ; I watched Paul McWhorter beagle bone series but after a point I’m stuck. He is able to access root in his system but I’m not able to access root in my beagle bone. I can’t get it connected to the internet I’m able to run few codes in the cloud 9 ide but when i use winscp to transfer codes to my BBB and then use putty to run them I’m not able to as the adafruit GPIO library is not installed, help me figure this out, also I’m not able to install the drivers in my laptop(D64). thanks.

Connect a monitor and keyboard directly to the BBB.

Apologies for the poorly structured post. I was little furious and frustrated while posting it, now that I look back I feel bad.
Will try to keep things clear moving forward, thanks.

Ah! it was right before my eyes the whole time.
Where am I going wrong with the libraries installation ? I’m not able to access my BBB’s root. Following this, I have managed to connect my BBB to the internet.

for root

$sudo -i

While in root set your root password


To get out of root and back to $USER


Also set the time or you will not be able to update. Look up $timedatectl you will have to enter the time in the correct format. If your ISP is not blocking NTP the time should update by itself, if not do it manually.

$sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

That will get everything upto date, it will run for a while, it is important to have everything on the same “page”

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Thank you.

No need for apologies, all of us have been in your shoes regarding some of this stuff. Myself, clearly understand the level of frustration. Glad it is working out for you.

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