Getting started with Jupyter Lab on a BeagleBone 🐶

JupyterLab is the latest web-based interactive development environment for notebooks, code, and data. As an engineer working with data from various sources, I always use Jupyter Lab Notebooks all the time on my laptop for plotting, analysis, processing, and Inference. It’s also not that hard to do it on a BeagleBone. Follow the steps below to get it running on your BeagleBone hardware today. It’s recommended to use the newest image with v5.10 kernel to get the best results.

  • Connect your BeagleBone with a USB cable to your Laptop/PC and wait for it to boot properly.
  • If you are running the latest image with v5.10 kernel (Debian Bullseye) go to and open up a terminal on bb-code-server.
  • If that doesn’t work, just login to your BeagleBone hardware over ssh,
    $ ssh debian@
  • Install Jupyter lab on Beaglebone hardware
    $ sudo apt update
    $ pip3 install jupyterlab
    $ sudo reboot
  • To save computation power, disable the bb-code-server (if running),
    $ sudo systemctl disable bb-code-server
  • Connect over ssh with address 8888:localhost:8888
    $ ssh -L 8888:localhost:8888 debian@
  • Start Jupyter lab
    $ jupyter lab
  • Copy the link from the output of above command and paste it in a browser window of your Laptop/PC. The link will be something like http://localhost:8888/lab?token=0279...bglbrd which will open up the Jupyter Lab, which will look like the image shown below.


Congratulations! You are running a Jupyter Lab instance on your BeagleBone hardware.


Nice tutorial, thank you.
Just one advice, you can use $ jupyter lab --ip= so you don’t need to use SSH tunneling.

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