Greetings from Brazil, the name is Gabriel Aragão, I’m a control engineering student in the Federal University of Minas Gerais and would love to find a mentor for a projects involving micropython and/or beagle bone audio applications. I’ve worked with C/C++, python and micropython and many other technologies before, I also have practice with hardware design and production, if necessary.
Hi there,
what ideas do you have in mind for audio applications? The deadline is fast approaching (13th of April) and the application process is not trivial, so you will need to start focusing on a specific idea soon so that you can find a mentor.
Did you have a look at the ideas BeagleBoard/GSoC/Ideas-2021 - ? Your project proposal doesn’t necessarily have to be aligned with those ideas, which are just a source of inspiration, so feel free to propose your own project.
You may want to hang around the #beagle-gsoc channel here to get in touch with possible mentors.
Hello again,
In a previous project, I’ve designed a simple LED controller using a microcontroller for recycling plastic LED tubular housing and made it RGB tube lights. My proposal for audio application consists of improving the controller for the LED recycled tubes, making available a audio reactive LED controller using beagle bone as hardware platform. For this project, aside from developing the controller, there will be also a effort to use micropython as an interface as its simplicity can be a really powerful coding environment, and with that being said is expected a “MicroPython firmware for BeagleBone”. Where, said firmware is able to access the audio IO ports backend-like C library with a MicroPython Interpreter. That way, the MicroPython interface should work as a frontend-like part of the project, through which the various previously design C libraries available for the BeagleBone project are accessible.
There is already a MicroPython for BeagleBone proposition called " BeagleConnect - Low-Power Wide Area Networking" and a “Live patching of Pure Data on embedded devices” in the list of Ideas for 2021, that is where a I plan to start developing towards the objective obtaining a audio responsive LED controller using MicroPython. I don’t know much about ‘Pure Data’, but by the little contact that I’ve had, that indicates a possible path to develop the LED controller and also the MicroPython for BeagleConnect Freedom can provide just the necessary frontend-like goal of running python on a microcontroller. Since, I have worked previously with real time operating systems (RTOS) and embedded devices, mixing booth micropython and a audio application might be suited for my proposition of a ‘audio reactive LED controller using BeagleBone & MicroPython’.
So, what do think, have any feedback about my proposal? I know that the deadline is getting closer. Should I add the description in the beagleBoard of Ideas 2021 and start writing a draft?