GSoC 2021 - Interest in contributing

Hello, I am Gabriel Kis, a sixth year undergraduate student on Electrical Engineering at Unicamp (Brazil) and I am very interested to contribute to GSoC this year.
The Idea that caught my attention is “Update Cape compatibility layer”, but I don’t know if it is a too hard first issue. I have experience in C and Python, in C I am used to program embedded systems firmware (ST, Nordic and Espressif) and in one project I also did unit tests with ceedling framework and in Python I worked mostly with unit/integration tests on a device. However I am not used to develop linux-kernel and to contribute to open-source projects.
I have just joined IRC channel, should I ask questions about the project there?


Hey Gabriel,

I am the author of the Cape Compatibility layer (GSoC’20) and would help you out with your queries. Please be active on the IRC and regularly ask your questions. The cape compatibility layer requires some updates for the newer kernel and the inclusion of a new patch for uBoot for auto cape detection and Device Tree overlay loading. These things might be new to you but, don’t worry you’ll gain all the knowledge as we progress. See you in today’s meeting on IRC!

Deepak Khatri


Can you join the meeting now?
It’s #beagle-gsoc on IRC