Hardware Security of Beagleboard

I’m a completely newbie to the world of IoT and embedded systems. For one of my project which involves extensive research and software coding using RPI2 but there is no way to secure the board from misused or prevent the software in SD not to run on other similar board. Also there is no on board memory/storage.

Then I came across Beagleboards which are having on board memory this mean when i burn the OS image it will reside on the boards not on the SD by default. This mean i can ensure the software and hardware security to some extent.

Is this understanding of mine is correct?


On Wed, 8 Jun 2016 00:06:22 -0700 (PDT), Muhammad Faisal
<faisalusuf@gmail.com> declaimed the

Then I came across Beagleboards which are having on board memory this mean
when i burn the OS image it will reside on the boards not on the SD by
default. This mean i can ensure the software and hardware security to some

Is this understanding of mine is correct?

  The only thing it ensures is that random bystanders can't just walk
away with the running image.

  But if someone has that much access in the first place, unless you
remove a lot of the OS capability, there is nothing that could prevent
someone from plugging in an SD card, SSH to the device (better remove all
the default user accounts and set a good password on the ones that remain)
and copying all your stuff to the SD card.

  Heck -- if it has network connectivity, and you don't firewall those
inbound features, then one may not even need an SD card. SSH/SCP would let
them copy everything (once the account/password is determined).