HDMI 1024x600 resolution

I’ve hooked an external 10" HDMI monitor. Native resolution is 1024x600.
I’m unable to force the BBB to that resolution.

There exists a Touchscreen cape that runs that exact resolution, so i’m wondering how they do it ?

Please advice/help. Thank you

Setting the resolution in \boot\uEnv,txt should work:

#Video: Uncomment to override:


Note the ‘M’ after the resolution spec.

nice, never heard of kms_force_video though.

Strange thing, the screen is receiving 1440x900 even though i forced 1024x600 (well i copy/pasted your string).

nice, never heard of kms_force_video though.

Just the name of a variable in the script that came with my distro.

Strange thing, the screen is receiving 1440x900 even though i forced 1024x600 (well i copy/pasted your string).

Where do you get this resolution 1440x900 get from? Is it at boot time or after the X server configuration?

I’d love to know :slight_smile:

As soon as the beagle starts (with the beagle splash image) i’m getting 1440x900 !!

I’ll give it a try with another monitor or tv, see if that changes much.

I’d need to check you complete /boot/uEnv.txt to give further help. Booting from SD or eMMC?

Booting off eMMC

uEnv :
optargs=quiet capemgr.enable_partno=BB-UART1,BB-UART2 capemgr.disable_partno=BB-BONELT-HDMI kms_force_mode=video=HDMI-A-1:1024x600M-16@60

i’m using a custom cape for 2x rs232 ports :slight_smile:

Looks wired to me. I miss a line like

mmcargs=setenv bootargs console=${console} ${optargs} ${kms_force_mode} root=${mmcroot} rootfstype=${mmcrootfstype} ${expansion} ${systemd}

where the variable kms_force_mode gets used. Which kernel version (and distro) are you using?

I’ve never seen such a format for uEnv.txt file.

I’m running bitbaked Angstrom image using angstrom-v2014.06-yocto1.6 branch

kernel is 3.8.13

That's because your running Angstrom ^...

For Debian/Ubuntu users, I've given visible configuration options to
users via "uEnv.txt"..


I run the same kernel 3.8.13-bone37, but Debian Jessie.

Sorry, I’ve no experience with Angström and its boot loader.

I solved this with the line


I’m using the new yocto 2015.12 and kernel4 since . Maybe there was a bug with earlier versions.