Hello, I am new to the Beagle Bone platform and Linux/Unix. I am working on a project to generate a kernel 1pps from the bbb platform over the gpio/header.
I could not get am335x to work or find it on my beagle, so i changed a gps device tree to pps out not pps in. The kernel module told me I had more than one pps generator and stopped.
I could not find (apt-get install linux-image-4.12.14.bone4) anymore and I used a 4.14 version that was slightly newer. This was on image Debian 9.3 2018-01-28 4GB SD LXQT.
When I tried the step “build_kernel.sh” it ran out of space. I tried to downside the packages, I removed about 1gb worth but it was not enough. It looked like the build_kernel was downloading more than 4gb.
Hello Robert, is the am335x-boneblack.dts file for when you compile the kernel on another machine?
How should I port this forward from here; do i need a better overlay file?
Do i download the overlays and use it to generate my overlay file?
Anyways, I installed the overlays and I did my overlay file to generate the pps but it didn’t work. Here is my overlay file DD-GPS-00A0.dts.txt (2,2 KB)
Hello Robert, sorry for annoy again about this program of the PPS. Well I was proving again the program of the PPS,but it is not working, I checked the pin of the beaglebone to see If I see an output, but nothing yet. The DTS file that I posted, well it did not work. I had to remove some syntax from it and only have the pps gen and no pps in. I compiled it with the make and make install, and edited the /boot/uEnv.txt file to load it. Here is the overlay file:
I put the kernel files in /usr/src/linux-headers-4.19.94-ti-r42/drivers/pps/generators to build kernel module. When I used the original Makefile of the program and start to build the kernel. it gived me this error:
Hope you had a good holiday my friend,
If you have any advice please share.
I checked the headers and they are the same as “uname” command.
Thank you,
@rony_vargas I have some interest in having a beagle as a sourced pps reference, so i hope you can share if you make a break thru.
Could you re-detail what steps you have taken to get you where in a single post?
I think Robert recommended you install the dts overlay file and i believe he implied that should make everything work but did you already have an overlay file installed? The file that @RobertCNelson said should work, did it actually compile in the place he told you about?
But, When I changed the Makefile to this:
make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build/ M=$(PWD) modules
make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build/ M=$(PWD) clean
it make the kernel module but I proved it, it didn’t give the output of the pps.
The DTS overlay file that Roberts recommended me I installed in the directory that it told me : cd /opt/source/bb.org-overlays/ and I used make and sudo make install
The overlay file That I used is this: forRobert.dts (2,2 KB)
@rony_vargas, I am sorry I cannot be much help on this. I do generic linux R&D with user space applications. I am not versed in kernel space that well and hit a hiccup with your device tree file. I can ask, did you properly install the headers like Robert mentioned? @RobertCNelson or @silver2row would be better help.
Side note: A pps that is generated out of the beagle would be 3.3v correct? An adapter board could be implemented if 5v logic was needed, say for interfacing with some video/audio capture equipment.
Yes my friend but I did all the steps that @RobertCNelson told me, I installed the headers like Robert mentioned. I don’t know what is the problem,I did the steps about the link but it is not working.