How can I free-up the addresses 0x54-57 on I2C bus 2 on my Beaglebone Black ?

How can I free-up the addresses 0x54-57 on I2C bus 2 on my Beaglebone Black ? I can only access the lower half addr 0x50-53; the upper ones 0x54-57 show ‘UU’ when using i2cdetect. I need them for addressing the entire contents of a 24C16 I2C EEPROM. Or if not possible then how else can I control I2C at the range 0x50-57 ? Another bus ? bud 12 doesn’t seem to work. Perhaps a bit-banged bus ? Bought board last year and have recent Debian distro on it.

Search for the following two discussion topics on this forum:

BBB without reserved I2C addresses (Apr 17 2017)

Set up Cape’s EEPROM i2c-2 BeagleBoneBlack Rev-C

— Graham