How can I SSH into this thing via Windows 64 / Putty? (BBB)

Hi there,

I have a lot of experience with Arduino and a decent amount with the Raspberry Pi. I am not great at linux but can at least do basic stuff using tutorials and whatnot. I am using Windows 10 (64-bit).

I got a BeagleBone Black and am having a heck of a time trying to SSH into it.

I have it connected via USB and ethernet, can access the web page at, and can open Cloud9. However if I try to putty into that same IP (using port 3000 for instance), the connection gets instantly shut down.

All I am trying to do is to create a python file, with maybe a print “hello world” or flash an LED on or off.

When connected via the web interface (using a web browser at the IP), I can run the sample JavaScript excerpts, and modify them and they do work that way. But unable to get python going on this thing.

Any help is much appreciated. I did about an hour of research and troubleshooting before posting here, please go easy on me if this post makes me sound like an idiot. Thanks!

Best way is to connect it to your network.

$sudo ifconfig

Then ssh into the board at that address.

SSH into your BeagleBone Black (BBB) using PuTTY, connect it to your PC via USB or Ethernet, find its IP address (usually via USB), and open PuTTY.