How to add a udev rule to beaglebone ??


I am using beaglebone black running on stock Angstrom linux. I would like to add the following udev rule.

SUBSYSTEM==“usb”, ATTR{idVendor}==“24e0”, MODE=“0666”

The above rule should give read/write privileges to USB devices.

I have added the rule to the rules.d folder in etc folder and lib folder, but I am not sure which one is to be used. Also how the rules are not getting applied.

Could anyone explain why this is happening.



I am using beaglebone black running on stock Angstrom linux. I would like to add the following udev rule.

SUBSYSTEM==“usb”, ATTR{idVendor}==“24e0”, MODE=“0666”

First, you should never give RW permissions to everyone, so I would suggest MODE=“0660” and then add a USB group and add yourself to that group. Something like this:
sudo groupadd –f usb
sudo gpasswd –a usb
Now the rule becomes:
SUBSYSTEM==“usb”, ATTR{idVendor}==“24e0”, MODE=“0660” GROUP==“usb"

The above rule should give read/write privileges to USB devices.

I have added the rule to the rules.d folder in etc folder and lib folder, but I am not sure which one is to be used. Also how the rules are not getting applied.

The rule is place in the /etc/init.d/rules.d folder. Use a name like "99-usb.rules” so that it is the last rule to execute.

After you plugin your USB, run the following command:
This will show you info about the usb device. You can also use the following command:
This will show you info about your USB device that you will need in your rule.
