How to get spi to work on bealgebone AI-64

I am trying to get SPI6 to get working on my beaglebone-AI64, Could anyone help me around this.

I got it working from a 5.10 image. The overlay works. If you want to interact with spi from Linux you will need to enable the driver.

For my setup with kernel 5.10 r115, I run this command to enable the driver sudo insmod /lib/modules/5.10.168-ti-arm64-r115/kernel/drivers/spi/spidev.ko.xz

From an R5 core I was also able to control SPI using the TI CSL layer API.

I am using 6.12.0-rc1-arm64-r1, and was able to find load the kernel module present in
/lib/modules/6.12.0-rc1-arm64-r1/kernel/drivers/spi/spidev.ko but I wasn’t able to interact with it

lsmod shows I have loaded it
but /dev/spi doesn’t exist

What are you doing for your overlay?

path of overlay:

debian@BeagleBone-AI64:~$ ls /boot/dtbs/6.12.0-rc1-arm64-r1/BB-SPIDEV*

But it doesn’t seems to have a uEnv.txt to set the path, does the BBAI64 use a different to set uboot param?

What does your extlinux.conf look like?

I dont seem to have extlinux.conf

if I am not wrong, it is normally located at /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf

To get SPI working on the BeagleBone AI-64, you’ll need to enable the SPI interface in the device tree. First, make sure the necessary device tree overlays are loaded, as they configure the hardware correctly. then, check the /dev/spidev* files to verify the SPI interface is available. If needed, use libraries like spidev for Python or WiringPi for C to interact with the SPI bus.

so, are telling to recompile the dts? and where do we load the overlays, as I dont see either uEnv.txt or extlinux.conf

Maybe try pasting your overlay contents into here

And then recompile

Link to discord message asking @RobertCNelson about this