How to protect scripts and codes?

Hi everyone!
How can I protect my scripts and nodejs codes on my Beaglebone? Example: when I program and sell a Beaglebone to anyone, It’s possible someone wants to copy all scripts and codes. How to protect it?

On Fri, 7 Jul 2017 13:27:40 -0700 (PDT), declaimed the following:

Hi everyone!
How can I protect my scripts and nodejs codes on my Beaglebone? Example:
when I program and sell a Beaglebone to anyone, It's possible someone wants
to copy all scripts and codes. How to protect it?

  Never sell it. Never allow anyone to SSH/Telnet/HTTP/FTP into it.

  Especially if you are using /scripts/ and not something in C/C++ that
was compiled (that, at least, means one would have to disassemble the
binary file -- though nothing can prevent a complete eMMC image cloning
except by not letting anyone have physical or network access to the

  As soon as you let the device containing your programs fall into anyone
else's hands, you have relinquished all security to the contents. All you
can do is sell a LICENSE to the software, and be prepared to SUE should the
licensee violate the license (good luck with that -- no one is going to put
up with a Beagle that phones home to verify a license key a la "Windows
Genuine Advantage" or shuts down).

The money isn't in the scripts, it's in the support of the scripts and
the infrastructure the scripts utilize..


What Robert said. There is nothing you can write code wise that can not be done by someone else.