How to Tie Android RIL to Phone over USB

I have a phone connected to the Beagle's USB OTG interface, and I can
send AT commands to it so that I can dial, answer, etc., using
microcom via (courtesy of busybox).

I would like to tie in Android's Radio Interface Layer so that the
dialler uses the phone, and so that even the browser uses the phone as
a modem. Has anyone had any success doing this on the Beagle, maybe
with embinux's port? If so, could you be so kind as to point me in a
good direction to start?

Interesting feature..
  Can you describe which phone you are using to connect to beagle ?
I will be interested to look into it. (provided I get enough time :wink: ).
Please keep sharing your work, I will be happy to extend my help
wherever it is possible. :slight_smile:


I have several phones available to me, including a Sony, a couple
Motorolas (a RAZR and a Q), and T-Mobile G1. The RAZR supports
tethering both in terms of the firmware and the plan I have with it,
plus I have great documentation on the AT command set, so that is
likely to be the one I go with. I have successfully used it as a modem
in Ubuntu (by establishing a PPP connection), and so I was thinking to
try pppd on the Beagle as intermediate step by invoking it from the
Android command line (shell), but so far I have had no luck
establishing a connection. I may have configured the kernel
incorrectly, or I may not be passing the proper arguments to pppd.