I bricked my bb and need help!

I managed to brick my beagleboard and I'm unable to proceed with any
of the un-bricking options described in the wiki.

First I cannot seem to be able to boot from SD card at all. May be the
SD card is not 4-bit reference manual suggests it should be.

So, I tried UART recover, which fails during the pserial step:
$ ./pserial -p /dev/ttyS0 -f x-load.bin
Waiting For Device ASIC ID: Press Ctrl+C to stop
Did not read asic ID ret = 1

After a lot of struggling I got to boot u-bbotV2 using the USB
recovery process and executed the loadb command. I do see the "## ##
Ready for binary (kermit) download to 0x00000000 offset on /dev/ram0
device at 115200 bps..." but when I try to send a file (by ctrl+A ,s
and select a file then hit enter) Minicom sits there doing nothing (i
think). I waited for a hours hoping it the slow serial port speed but,
does it take more than an hour to download the u-bootV1 image?? Am i
missing something? How do i send a file from minicom using kermit?

Any insights are most appreciated.


I should have done more extensive search before asking the group. I
found http://nishanthmenon.blogspot.com/2009/01/beagleboard-recovery-take-2.html
which un-bricked my beagleboard effortlesssly.

Nishanth, I really appreciate the amount of time and effort you put
into this too. Thanks.

Glad it was useful..
Nishanth Menon