Increasing CPU frequency from 750 to 1850 MHz with the 6.6.x kernel

I flashed my BeagleV-Ahead with the last daily built image at Artifacts · BeagleV-Ahead / xuantie-ubuntu · GitLab with the 6.6.x kernel available at that time. Compared to the official Ubuntu image, this Debian image fixes the “fence.tso” hardware bug and uses all the 4 GB RAM (not only 3 GB). The drawbacks are that the “reboot” command doesn’t work and the CPU clock frequency is 750 MHz. (The “CoreMark” benchmark values are 2.5 times lower than with the Ubuntu image.) The first one isn’t critical but the second one is (at least to me). How can I increase the CPU clock frequency to 1850 MHz?

You can also use the 6.9.x branch (6.6.x, 6.7.x, 6.8.x, and 6.9.x) but sadly on mainline there no cpufreq driver yet… so it’s in the default state…

master = 6.9.x:


Thanks! In the future, can I just copy the new kernel files from the “boot.ext4.xz” partition image to “/boot/firmware” (over the old files) without using “” and expect it to boot properly? (By the way, why do “df” and “du” show that the “Image” kernel file takes just 13 MB while the file size is really 21 MB?!)

i think we can do something like this for updates… :

Honestly my plan was to use the 64 core pioneer board to make things easy, but still needs a lot of u-boot/kernel work to even be usable…


Thanks, didn’t know about it! It’s very impressive! But doesn’t it already have a working kernel? GitHub - milkv-pioneer/linux-riscv: Linux kernel stable tree

The script shows that each old file must be deleted before copying the new one. Or is this just to avoid running out of space? (Still wonder why the “Image” file size is much higher than the space it occupies…)