Initialize SPI Communication


I’m encountering a technical issue with my BeagleBoard and would appreciate some help in troubleshooting.

I’m seeing the following error message when trying to initialize SPI communication on my BeagleBoard:

“Failed to Initialize SPI Communication”

I’ve checked the connections, verified the SPI configuration, and ensured that the necessary drivers are loaded, but I’m still unable to resolve this issue.

I have already checked
msbi Has anyone else encountered a similar error or have any insights into what might be causing it? Any guidance or troubleshooting steps would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your help!

Best regards,

Hello…what board are you using?

If you are using the BBB, try to look in /dev/bone/spi or print out the output of gpioinfo.

I noticed one of my UARTs were taken over by SPI. gpioinfo will tell you which of those pins are taken over by SPI.


P.S. In any light, please use the `gpioinfo’ command to find the output of what is already allocated to the pin headers.

I will boot my board and tell you what I am seeing on my end with what kernel and image: Updates on the way…


gpioinfo | grep spi*
        line   2: "P9_22 [spi0_sclk]" "P9_22" input active-high [used]
        line   3: "P9_21 [spi0_d0]" "P9_21" input active-high [used]
        line   4: "P9_18 [spi0_d1]" "P9_18" input active-high [used]
        line   5: "P9_17 [spi0_cs0]" "P9_17" input active-high [used]
        line  14: "P9_31 [spi1_sclk]" "P9_31" input active-high [used]
        line  15: "P9_29 [spi1_d0]" "P9_29" input active-high [used]
        line  16: "P9_30 [spi1_d1]" "P9_30" input active-high [used]
        line  17: "P9_28 [spi1_cs0]" "P9_28" input active-high [used]

That is on a BBB with kernel 5.10.168-ti-r77 and image Debian Bookworm IoT Image 2023-10-07
