Install Boost, OpenCV and ROS library in Eclipse to cross compile for ARM


I am new to beagleboard xm.

I have just finished setting up Eclipse to cross compile for ARM using
JAN tutorial

I am using dell PC with Ubuntu 11.10 32 bit version and would like to
download cross compiled code to beagle board XM.

Now I would also like to use "boost", "OpenCV" and "ROS" library for
practice code on beagleXM, are there any instructions on how to setup
Eclipse to be able to use these libraries for practice code. Or any
sites with examples already cross compiling using eclipse on Ubuntu
11.10 for beagle xm board.

Please point me to right direction to get system setup for cross
compiling. [ to use boost, OpenCV and ROS]


Hey, I know the Willow Garage people were working on getting ROS packages together for the Beagle at one point. You might be able to apt-get them if you don't want to go the whole compile from scratch route. Did you poke around



I just looked into site, they are showing installation
instructions for ubuntu
like: sudo apt-get install ros-electric-desktop-full

But I am new to this cross compilation system - will following there
installation method - how will my code using ROS will get compiled for
Beagle ARM CPU ?

I am using "/usr/local/angstrom/arm/bin/arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-g+
+" compiler on my Ubuntu from Eclipse, where generated object should
be downloaded to Beagle Board for execution.

Do I need to do some other steps for cross compilation setup for
"BOOST", "OPENCV", "ROS" so I can use them in my cross compiler setup
of Eclipse


Well, the short answer is that *somebody* has to do the compile -- I was under the impression that some Willow folks had been attacking that. If not, you will will have to do the compile yourself.

You might consider doing a native compile -- it might be simpler than a cross compile. One of my friends did that, I believe, but the frame-rate he got from OpenCV wasn't exactly blistering. Of course, the OpenCV kernels as he compiled them are not using the DSP side of the OMAP, which would help a whole bunch.

Anyway, if you are keen to get cross-compile going, don't let me distract you. If you are keen to get ROS running any way you can, you might try a native compile from sources.
