I am trying to operate GPIOs on my beaglebone black via a linbpq node (a piece of ham radio software that can run other applications(scripts and other executables that are in your inetd/services files.) I think that I would be successful in doing this if it weren’t for the need to put in a sudo password every time I want to execute something that accesses the GPIO stuff, which is preventing them from being executed through the node, though it seems like when I got my beaglebone black a few years ago I was able to do this… probably because I was logged in as root by default, but now for whatever reason, I am having a difficult time logging in as root (I reimaged the bbb.) I feel like I have tried all of the possible passwords for root, including the default empty “” password that google says is supposed to be the root password for debian (the os that I have installed on my bbb.) I know it’s not advisable to do things as root but it seems like the only way to accomplish what I am trying to do. Does anyone know the root password for debian 11 or a way to access gpio without typing in a sudo password? Thanks
How are you accessing the GPIO’s ?
You probably need to add your user account to the correct group.
Standard GPIO features don’t support tri-state lines (INPUT and OUTPUT at the same pin). That requires pinmuxig during opreration at sysfs level, or toggling the OE bit in the GPIO-SS (ie from PRU).
I’m not familiar with Linbpq, but in my libpruw1 project a tri state line is used for the one-wire-bus, controlled by a PRU-SS.