[Issue] BeagleBone Black Random Reboot

Check the link on TI e2e:
It basically switched the clock source from 32K to 24MHz clock. It eventually fixed my time jump problem.

Good luck!

Thanks Lei.
this fix works! I ran the BB for 8 days without problem.

Hey i do have some updates regarding this! We have now ran 10 bbb boards with a strap between 5v vcc and the v+ input on the USB connector. These now all have an uprime of 10+ days.

The controls that are powered from the same power supply but do not have the strap has an average uptime of 8-9 hours.
This makes me think that this has to do with the driver initialisation of the PMIC.

I am hoping that this information will help someone to continue the research in the restart/ reboot problem.

I think I have found the reason for this. See the “3.17.1-rc4 sudden reset” thread.