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Docs. and ideas a plenty…

I have been reviewing the docs. recently. Nice job. I like being able to read some coherent and useful items while it pertains to the board(s) in question.


P.S. Um…there has been a lot of chatter about the docs. lately or in the past. Awesome. I am glad. It has turned out to be a good, fine-tuned machine. Outside of that idea, I am wondering what I shall concoct next. Without trying to ruin my mediocre name (or plain bad name), I was thinking of trying something from 2015 on the BBAI-64. No go. Things have changed so much and there has been a lot of development to get everyone using and purchasing and whatever’ing with the boards. I mean, from my perspective, it is about utilizing the board and trying to find a facet to fit into for a common build to educate myself, learn, and for personal reasons.


  1. Are people using the Compatibility Layer/BeagleBone Cape Interface Specification now?
  2. Has anyone built something worth mentioning outside of beagleboard.org business and giving back to the community?
  3. Oh! Also, I tried to make some simple reworking of something I found online years ago to make it work for some boards but this does not include DTS at all. I am a fresh starter in the field of DTS still…

Anyway, if someone, somewhere may reply, that would be okay. Number 1. states a question about the current state of the BCIS (beaglebone cape interface specification) and I am prying.

Also, the reworking of the small source provided (easy and done) by C/C++ and Python3 is okay to hand out and use for people just getting started. The reason I am asking about the BCIS is because I am trying to keep up. Maybe pick three main images and fly with them. Not everyone will be happy…me included.

It may make things less stressful for now. I like, personally, how the updating and “downgrading” of kernels are done with the Debian/Ubuntu Distros with apt. That is a really nice touch. Old news is good news! I say keep apt and the Debian Based Distros with updates/upgrades for users like me who still like to fool around and learn. Serious. I learn more by my mistakes at times than after putting something together I already know how to do, i.e. reaching for a new man page now…