Kichstarter Project: BeagleCore - miniaturized computer module compatible with BeagleBone Black

But show me the hardware, when obtain-ium. Then I’ll be less reserved.

That’s our goal and we are working hard to make this come true. Please stay tuned.

One thing I am curious about however. Pricing after this has gone to production. Then when is the projected production date ? e.g. when can the public start purchasing. If any of this can be divulged . . .

We know that pricing is very important. And we are doing our best to get the pitched single unit retail price of 55 USD down. Right now I can’t go into details but we are looking forward to getting the module price under 40 USD. Currently there are lots and lots of things that need to be discussed and done. However we are planning on selling the first modules as planned in February 2016. There is a lot going on here at the BeagleCore headquarters and as soon as we have any news to announce we will be doing it right away.
