Licheepi4a - 6.5.x mainline

Thank you for this - I was just starting to look at this myself and made an account to ask about this. We have some BeagleV-aheads on the way, right now I working with the Licheepi4a boards working with 6.5. For now I think just having ethernet/MMC drivers is enough for 6.5 to be usable.
I will give these patches a try on my Licheepi tomorrow.

I agree… I played with RFC of the network, it was missing the clock driver, haven’t tested RFC 2 yet…

edit, @DrewFustini and i both have the Licheepi too, so we’ve playing with both… They share a lot of the normal interconnect settings…


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OK, I built 6.5 + the RFC patches listed above. I’m not getting any serial out of the kernel - the last thing I see is the “Starting kernel …” from U-Boot. This is on a Licheepi4a with vendor U-Boot - I have not tried building different firmware yet.
I didn’t see any special serial port config in the vendor config. It seems I’m missing something or have something misconfigured to not get any console output at all.

Any pointers?

mainline has a different device tree name: thead « dts « boot « riscv « arch - kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git - Linux kernel source tree


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@RobertCNelson thanks that did fix it.