Linux - Arduino Software

Hi friends,
I need your help. I have to take an industrial decision. I have always worked with Arduino, but I have a client that requires to compile an Arduino code on beagleBone Black Industrial while also having Linux installed. Is that possible? Can Beaglebone run an Arduino code without erasing Linux?
If is not possible to compile an Arduino code, I could try to migrate to other language. The most important for my client is to compile the code and keep Linux.
Also, I have an other question, is it possible to compile Arduino Libraries on a Beaglebone black industrial?
Thank you very much!!

Hi @JosepBosch ,

Please expand your question a little…

Are you trying to “run” an Arduino project on the “BeagleBone Black”

Or, are you trying to “build” an Arduino project on the “BeagleBone Black” and then run the project on an Arduino attached to the “BeagleBone Black”

It’ll be slow, but you can install the Arduino IDE on the “BeagleBone Black”… → Download Options: Linux 32 bits

(it’s really slow…)


Hi Robert!
I am trying to “build” an Arduino project on the “BeagleBone Black” and then run this project on the same “BeagleBone Black”. It is possible?
Thank you very much!