I am trying to use my BBB to display an informational webpage on wall-mounted television. I can’t get chromium to launch full screen on boot. I have read it’s best to modify the lxde-rc.xml to accomplish this (rather than using chromiums -enable-fullscreen flag). I started with /home/debian/.config/openbox/lxde-rc.xml, and when that didn’t work I started mutilating every lxde-related rc.xml file I could find (cp /home/debian/.config /root/; edited /etc/X11/openbox/LXDE/rc.xml; edited /etc/X11/openbox/rc.xml) without success.

I am booting to the factory-installation of Angstrom. I have modified the above-mentioned xml files to include the element shown below. Where do I copy this file, or what file do I edit, or what is wrong with my modifications!


no yes ...snip...