Hi BeagleBoard community,
I’m investigating using a BeagleBoard as a component of an embedded system supporting our technology. I’d like to know about the manufacturing of the different boards, and specifically if there are any of the board models that I can count on being made in the US?
The only one we found was made by GHI in USA. Those have been performing very well, it is uncertain what is up with GHI. It looks like they shifted gears because their website, that last time I looked did not mention this stuff.
Digi-key shows 0 stock. It is very hard to find a USA made board, at least Ti is USA based so if nefarious code is found buried in the SoC or PHY we might have a chance at some recourse. However pretty sure that will be just a finger pointing event. I did find some used ones on ebay for evaluation but, with out any way to source them new that was a waste. The PHY might be more critical than the SoC choice so it is major risk for the serious stuff.
Seeed’s been moving manufacturing from China to Vietnam.
Otherwise the full Gerber’s are posted if you want to manufacturer the board yourself at a specific OEM.
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