Minutes from 2014-04-30

http://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/GSoC/Meetings/20140501## Agenda[edit]- Students will provide a quick update and we can all review

  • Note that coding starts in less than 2 weeks on May 19

BeaglePilot[edit]- vmayoral was present and confirmed good interaction with tridge

BotSpeak for PRU[edit]- karki was present and confirmed good interaction with panto, mranostay and alexanderhiam

  • karki is researching reading remote proc, virtio, upcalls and down calls
  • karki is still analyzing and scheduling some project tasks

Beagle Android Remote Display[edit]- praveendath92_ has created git repos (https://github.com/praveendath92/bard-droid and https://github.com/praveendath92/bard-linux)

PyBBIO[edit]- rseethamraju was present and confirmed good interaction with alexanderhiam and VoltVisionSteve

Bone101[edit]- DiegoTc showed off some template drafts at http://diegotc.github.io/bone101/Support/GSOC/template.html and http://diegotc.github.io/bone101/Support/GSOC/tempboot.html

  • DiegoTc is working on a list of the tutorials and required hardware

BeagleLogic[edit]- Abhishek_ was present

  • Abhishek_ has setup blog and created a fork of libsigrok, but github setup is not complete as there will be a main BeagleLogic repo with submodules

Linux MMC+DMA[edit]- disdi was not in attendance

Log[edit]- http://logs.nslu2-linux.org/livelogs/beagle-gsoc/beagle-gsoc.20140501.txt