Moving the HDMI port

Hello All,

I want to use the BeagleBone Black inside a case, however the ports (USBs, Ethernet and HDMI) are not in the correct places to be connected to the outside world. While I’m comfortable with desoldering the Ethernet and USB connetors to extend those, I’m not so sure about the hdmi. With 19 wires and tighter impedance control can anyone point to an example where some desoldered and extended the port via a cable.


you do that and there is a chance that nothing will work. you will be
playing with the timing of things.

you do that and there is a chance that nothing will work. you will be
playing with the timing of things.

There are active cable extenders and HDMI extenders that might solve
the problem. Depends on the amount of space in the case.

I'd also suggest making extender cables if at all possible for USB and
Ethernet. Much easier to unplug and put in a new board than desolder
and hardwire extension connectors to a BBB.
