Need help giving 'Debian' user access to input devices

! am trying to launch a JavaFX app on my beaglebone black running Debian.

When launching as the root user, the application will launch but the touchscreen will bug out a little bit, displaying improperly and messing up the touchscreen touch calibrations.

When I try and launch the app as a normal user, I get the following error messages as the app launches:

Udev: Failed to write to /sys/class/input/mice/uevent
      Check that you have permission to access input devices
Udev: Failed to write to /sys/class/input/event0/uevent
      Check that you have permission to access input devices
Udev: Failed to write to /sys/class/input/event1/uevent
      Check that you have permission to access input devices
Udev: Failed to write to /sys/class/input/event2/uevent
      Check that you have permission to access input devices
Udev: Failed to write to /sys/class/input/input0/uevent
      Check that you have permission to access input devices
Udev: Failed to write to /sys/class/input/input1/uevent
      Check that you have permission to access input devices
Udev: Failed to write to /sys/class/input/input2/uevent
      Check that you have permission to access input devices
Udev: Failed to write to /sys/class/input/mouse0/uevent
      Check that you have permission to access input devices

The app is then unresponsive to touch input.

How can I give a normal user permission to access the input devices?

Hello !

I had the same problem.
My solution :

Modify udev rules :

sudo vi /etc/udev/rules.d/99-com.rules

and add the following lines:

SUBSYSTEM=="input*", PROGRAM="/bin/sh -c '\ chown -R root:input /sys/class/input/*/ && chmod -R 770 /sys/class/input/*/;\ '"

This will change the group to “input” (users are in this group)
and add rw rights on files.