is there any newer image than lunar?
There are Daily builds here, on v6.1.x and v6.6.x using Ubuntu 24.04 as the base rootfs… Pipelines · BeagleV-Fire / BeagleV-Fire-ubuntu · GitLab
Thanks. I saw those when I searched. I am just not sure what I am looking at there. I am accustomed to repositories for updates. If you could is there a primer for how to use those.
They are full Root File Systems:
voodoo@hestia:~/Downloads$ ls
voodoo@hestia:~/Downloads$ unzip
inflating: deploy/sdcard.bmap
inflating: deploy/
inflating: deploy/sdcard.img.xz
voodoo@hestia:~/Downloads$ cd deploy/
voodoo@hestia:~/Downloads/deploy$ ls sdcard.bmap sdcard.img.xz
On the BeagleV-Fire, hold the “user” button, and plug in USB type C into your PC… Lift off User button, and flash drive should appear…
Then use etcher/rpi-imager and flash write the sdcard.img.xz to the board…
You know what could be really cool?
What if you could just drag-n-drop the image file onto it, like you do on a RPi Pico…
@Vauban, how does that sound to you?
Thanks. Will give that a whirl. Does that then upgrade the whole thing.?
It’ll flash 24.04 and a newer FPGA gateware.
Then you can just do apt/update/upgrades as long as 24.04 exists…
Perfect. Truly appreciated.
ok… clearly there is a non-standard dist here do-release-upgrade says no candidates. i hate to be obtuse but I dont have any other options. riscv is new to me
Ubuntu’s upgrade path for Lunar 23.04 (first riscv build) was to 24.10 (Mantic) which is also eol…
The time to run do-release-upgrade
was last year…
Why did we choose Lunar as the default a few years ago… It was the “first” and still only ‘stable’ riscv release?
Debian 13 (trixie) will be released this upcoming summer…
Today, we are shipping 24.04 Noble which is an LTS release so the distro packages won’t disappear as fast.
That is fine. Thanks. I am going to settle into to learning what I am doing and not concern myself with things that don’t really matter.
Bill Dailey
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