No BeagleBone Black's ethernet connection in my laptop

Hi guys,

I am just booting the BeagleBone Black from microSD card and trying to connect the IP. The problem here is that it seems like my laptop does not have any ethernet card, which i think maybe the cause of no IP on my BBB.

I try to connect the BBB in both Window and Debian 12 and both has the same result.


If your box does not have ethernet just connect your BBB directly to your switch/internet gateway. Then ssh into it from your wifi connected laptop.

To find the ip that has been issued to the BBB after you connect to the network.

$ ifconfig

Open a powershell or terminal

ssh <enter your username on bbb>@< bbb ip address>

How is the BBB connected to the Windows or Debian pc? Ethernet or USB? Which image are you using?
