Not able to use Mikrobus Gpio's

Hi all,

I am very much new into linux code development.
And I am stuck into my Beagle Play board related issue.
I am not able to access the Mikro bus GPIO’s. I am able to access the led by giving name USR2 etc.
That I have checked by command gpioinfo. I also checked that for Mikrobus below commands are that.
I have attached the image.
So I tried to make high and low og MIKROBUS_GPIO1_7 etc but I am not able to check that.
I am getting system error. I have already installed Adafruit_BBIO library. I have tried by changing the library also but problem is the same.

Please help me.


I don’t have any of the Mikro bus boards however, it would appear since Mikro is selling the board it is their responsibility to provide you with sample code for the device that plugs into the BB. Asking on their forum might get you a good response. I did not see any information on their website.

Also, what are you using Python or C for your code?