Older Images and Newer Images and Different Boards/Y-AI and BBB/Renishaw Encoders

Okay and This is Not a New Design,

This is an older design. So, the hardware used is a bit dated:

  1. I will use the BBB or BBY-AI.
    a. I see the BBB with Bookworm images have counter and eCAP available.
    b. I see some DTS files associated with the BBY-AI also have some eCAP listed ideas.

I want to show some photos as I would like any feedback available.

So, without further ado, here:

I have a stepper motor and Renishaw optical encoder that I would like to read and then output moves to the stepper based on such readings.

The pins are a bit convoluted for now on the Renishaw optical encoder. I will need to work to figure this part out on my own as is most things in life or whatever.

So, I see I need 5v and GND. From that point forward, since the great computer crashes of 2023/2024, notes have been misplaced but not lost.

I am still searching for my older notes on this idea. I have all the connections needed (almost). I am waiting on some ULN2003 chips to test… The ULN2003 accepts CMOS and TTL logic while the chips I currently have in my possession are for CMOS only, e.g. which the Motor Driver and Optical Encoder do not understand (Older Technology for the driver and encoder).


With the help of the docs, I have made it understandable to me about the counters on the BBB and eCAP modules available on it along with researching eQEP and eCAP modules in the kernel.

What type of technology should I use (while my notes are aloof) that is available on the BBB?

Should I use the counter like the source listed in the docs. or should I use eCAP modules on the BBB?

I know I am asking a lot right now. This may be a big task for anyone not familiar with the optical encoder in question or the correct wiring that will need to be placed inline with the BBB and/or BBY-AI to/from the optical encoder.

And…I will need a logic level translator, ULN2003 chatting TTL, and then figure out the wiring from that point forward.

The driver handles the motor. Done. ULN2003!
Some tech. handles the reading of the optics. Almost done. eCAP or counter?


P.S. I am bringing up this question again after so many years because life and other items in life have gotten in the way. I am ready now to fully administer my “talent” to make the build fully work.

Not with Renishaw.

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The renishaw model is RGH41 which is not supposed to be used for new designs.



The package was in my city with the ULN2003A chips but then went south on a truck for some reason. More southern than my location, hooligans. I better be careful with whatever repackaged items they are giving these days! Anyway, that is the update. BBL with more tidbits of data to sink your teeth in.

The encoder can be done by way of relaying data to it, from it, and with a motor as a happy medium for maneuvering the readhead to and fro.