I’m currently evaluating if an existing BBB-design can be used on the new PocketBeagle but have some troubles assigning the different signals on connector to each other.
I could identify some of the signals but have troubles with the GPIOs. For BBB they are named GPIOb_p where “b” is the GPIO-“bank” and “p” then pin number. For the PocketBeagle they are just numbered in range 2…117.
So my question: is there an assignment between these pin numbers available where one can find out which PocketBeagle GPIOs belong to which AM3358 GPIO signals?
You can refer the the Pocket’s pins in a couple of ways.
If you are using Python or Bonescript you can refer to them as P2_2, for example. So that’s the 2nd pin on the P2 header. If you look at the top side of the Pocket (the side with the parts on it), you see the P1 and P2 labels and pins 1, 2, 35 and 36 are also labeled. Be careful though, because some of the pins are multiplexed by default to other functions. If you want to use them as GPIO run “config-pin P2_2 gpio”
You can also refer to the pins by their /sys/class/gpio number. Flip the Pocket over and you see P2_2 is also 59. You can use it via:
bone$ cd /sys/class/gpio
bone$ echo 59 > export
bone$ cd gpio59
bone$ ls
bone$ echo out > direction
bone$ echo 1 > value
If there is an LED connected to GPIO 59 it should light up.
GPIO59 is also referred to as GPIO1_27, which is pin 27 on GPIO port 1. 59 = 1*32+27. If you are using mmap you have to refer to pins this way.