PocketBeagle Grove Kit missing Ok_Beagle.pmdl

I’m testing the Grove kit examples. Right now I’m working in
bone$ cd /var/lib/cloud9/PocketBeagle/Grove
bone$ ./Ok_beagle.py
Maybe you should Drag Ok_Beagle.pmdl to Could9
The python code looks for the file in /var/lib/cloud9/PocketBeagle/Grove/Ok_Beagle.pmdl, but it’s not there.

Does anyone know where to find this file?


Apparently this came from https://github.com/Kitt-AI/snowboy/blob/master/examples/Python/snowboydecoder.py which as of 31-Dec-2020 has shut down. snowboy/README.md at master · Kitt-AI/snowboy · GitHub
