Possibility of populating different PolarFire SoC parts?

The BeagleV-Fire has a MPFS025T in FCVG484 package. Microchip has a bunch of PolarFire SoC options in that same package, with different FPGA resources: MPFS095T, MPFS160T, MPFS250T. Would it be possible to purchase BeagleV-Fire boards built with one of those options with more FPGA fabric resources? I’d prefer not to have boards built myself, or rework stock boards by removing the 025 and replacing with something else. Perhaps if there’s lots of interest in this idea from others, BeagleBoard themselves would consider producing a variant with the larger FPGA? If so, is there anything besides creating this forum post that I can do to poll for interest?


I have been thinking the same thing. I am interested in the possibility of a chip upgrade.


There’s always the possibility to schedule a meeting with @jkridner
if you want to discuss your options further…

Mind you, if the PF is anything like Xilinx for instance,
different parts have different power and decoupling requirements,
so in most cases, removing and dropping in a new part is not
entirely straight forward.

all BeagleBone Boards are open source. You can go to their resources, and get all files you need. They have mentioned they are looking into making boards with PolarFire SOC, with much larger FPGA fabric and number of number of logic elements. All you need is to change the layout of the pinout of the SOC, you need. Just a thought…

Similar thread. Sounded like no in that thread.

I would call it a definate maybe.

If there’s enough demand, a larger part could be another SKU.

That is why I suggested the OP to get in touch with @jkridner instead
of writing the idea off with a resounding no

Indeed, I’m interested in doing a version with the MPFS250T.

Should we do it via a crowd-funding campaign to figure out what the price should be? I’ve never done one of them before.

I would love to see what the price for that could end up being.

While at it, I still think the MPFS095T shouldn’t be discounted either…
(just in case the 250 turns out to be too expensive)

@Vauban, do you know if the Silver license covers the larger SKUs?

There’s also an open source SOM design by antmicro that uses the MPFS250, and has Raspberry Pi Compute headers (2x high density 100 pin mezzanine connectors) here:

I haven’t found anyone selling those boards online, and I haven’t asked antmicro about them either. If anyone funds a vendor for those boards it’s be an interesting option too…I can think I’d prefer the beagle’s 0.1" headers, it’s enough pins for me and easier to prototype with.

I haven’t done crowdfunding either, but that sounds like a good idea!

If the beagle board organization ran the crowdfunding and said in advance what $ they’d need to reach to do the boards, I’d contribute.

If someone else wanted to manufacture a set of boards I’d probably place an order from them in advance, but probably not do crowdfunding.

A very nice offering indeed, but yes, I :heart: the BB formfactor too!


Crowd-fund it, sir. I need more time to figure out the other board but another one is always a bonus for us users and clients…
