Hello there,
I will use pocketbeagle for the first time, but I do not know how to power the pocketbeagle. I have to feed it from the computer. How can I feed something like a battery directly? Is it possible to connect the pins directly to the battery? When I look at other projects, it has been realized via usb.
Hello there,
I will use pocketbeagle for the first time, but I do not know how to power
the pocketbeagle. I have to feed it from the computer. How can I feed
something like a battery directly? Is it possible to connect the pins
directly to the battery? When I look at other projects, it has been
realized via usb.
Pin 1 of P1 can be connected to a 5V power supply.
Pin 14 of P2 can be connected to a lithium Ion/Polymer battery and Pin 16 of
P2 can be connected to a lithium Ion/Polymer batter's "temp" wire. I *think*
this is includes a charging circuit -- if power is supplied via Pin 1 of P1 or
via the USB this pin will charge a lithium Ion/Polymer battery.
It is possible to solder headers to the pins. *I* solder male pins to the
underside and have designed "base boards" with female headers. These base
boards include a power supply circuit. It is also possible (with a
difficulty) to solder female header to the top of the board (there are some
clearance issues).
Thank you very much for your reply.
But if I connect it to pin1 of P1, can I connect it directly to a 5V power supply without using usb?
22 Nisan 2021 Perşembe tarihinde saat 17:52:37 UTC+3 itibarıyla hel...@deepsoft.com şunları yazdı:
Thank you very much for your reply.
But if I connect it to pin1 of P1, can I connect it directly to a 5V power
supply without using usb?
Yes. That is what pin1 of P1 is for. It is exactly the same as the DC coax
power connector on the "full sized" Beagle Boards (BeagleBone Black and