None of the processor SDK examples currently successfully run on my BBX15. I replace the kernel of original processor SDK by the other one for bbx15. I follow the link, however this kernel ` `may not activate some kernel modules used by the IPC RPMSG ?
This code generates Gaussian Random Numbers (0,1) and
calculates how many numbers are less than 0 and more than 0
For more information, refer the OpenCL documentation
located at
count positive = 16268 count Negative = 16500 zero 0
ARM Only, Total time 4014126.00 nanoseconds
122.50 nanoseconds per element
32768 elements processed
Ipc_start: LAD_connect() failed: 4
monte_carlo: /home/gtbldadm/processor-sdk-linux-morty-build/build-CORTEX_1/arago-tmp-external-linaro-toolchain/work/am57xx_evm-linux-gnueabi/opencl/ MBoxMsgQ::MBoxMsgQ(Coal::DSPDevice*): Assertion `status == Ipc_S_SUCCESS || status == Ipc_S_ALREADYSETUP’ failed.
Thanks for your answer. The script “” found in repository has to be executed in beagleboard-x15, likely install pre-compiled kernel modules packges on target ?
apt-get ${apt_options} ${install_pkg}
However, I’d like to compile from kernel sources, these modules are in processor sdk in directory board-support/extra-drivers. My question was about how to compile them and make them compatible with the beagleboard x15 ? It was possible with beagleboard-xM and the dvsdk kernel modules.
Thank you for your help. Using your guide lines from
and after compiling near 200 GBytes of OE Bitbake sources, some missing dtb about the am57xx in kernel had been created by touch, now I have several issues that I don’t know how to manage :
Thank you for your help. Using your guide lines from x15 TI opencl sdk · GitHub
and after compiling near 200 GBytes of OE Bitbake sources, some missing dtb
about the am57xx in kernel had been created by touch, now I have several
issues that I don't know how to manage :
Well, so how did you manage to install open embedded packages like on debian or ubuntu distribution ? In ubuntu no opkg on opencl-monitor ipumm-fw vpdma-fw cmem-mod .ipk
Btw, how didn’t bitbake provide a rootfs tarball, may it be somewhere ? sorry it’s so long time ago. I forgot so much. please tell me how to extract the OE rootfs in sdcard ? any guide at anywhere is welcome. Thank you Robert !
I found the build/arago-tmp-external-linaro-toolchain/deploy/am57xx_evm/opencl-examples-src_1.1.13.0-r0.1_am57xx_evm.ipk
but no opencl-monitor.ipk, seems missing after failure of compilation ?
Btw, the opkg lacks too in this rootfs
root@am57xx-evm:~# opkg
-sh: opkg: not found
configuring edma3_drv_bios6_tda2xx_st_sample.xe66 from package/cfg/edma3_drv_bios6_tda2xx_st_sample_pe66.cfg …
error: xdc.cfg.Program: “/home/osboxes/bbx15/tisdk/build/arago-tmp-external-linaro-toolchain/sysroots/am57xx-evm/usr/share/ti/ti-xdctools-tree/packages/xdc/cfg/Program.xs”,
line 71: xdc.cfg.Program : The package ‘’ is not compatible
with XDCtools used in this build. Please either use XDCtools compatible with that package, or update the product containing that
package, or rebuild the package with XDCtools 3.50 or later.
generating custom ti.sdo.ipc library makefile …
error: xdc.cfg.Program: “/home/osboxes/bbx15/tisdk/build/arago-tmp-external-linaro-toolchain/sysroots/am57xx-evm/usr/share/
ti/ti-xdctools-tree/packages/xdc/cfg/Program.xs”, line 71: xdc.cfg.Program : The package ‘ti.sysbios.knl’ is not compatible with
XDCtools used in this build. Please either use XDCtools compatible with that package, or update the product containing that package,
or rebuild the package with XDCtools 3.50 or later.
js: “/home/osboxes/bbx15/tisdk/build/arago-tmp-external-linaro-toolchain/sysroots/am57xx-evm/usr/share/ti/ti-xdctools-tree/packages/xdc/cfg/Main.xs”,
line 160: Error: Configuration failed!
package.mak:2617: recipe for target ‘package/cfg/bin/ti_platforms_evmDRA7XX_ipu2/ping_rpmsg_pem4.xdl’ failed
make[1]: *** [package/cfg/bin/ti_platforms_evmDRA7XX_ipu2/ping_rpmsg_pem4.xdl] Error 1
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs…
======== .dlls [./packages/ti/sdo/ipc/family/c647x/] ========
======== .dlls [./packages/ti/sdo/ipc/family/c6a8149/] ========
======== .dlls [./packages/ti/sdo/ipc/family/da830/] ========
======== .dlls [./packages/ti/sdo/ipc/family/dm6446/] ========
======== .dlls [./packages/ti/sdo/ipc/family/omap3530/] ========
======== .dlls [./packages/ti/sdo/ipc/family/omap4430/] ========
======== .dlls [./packages/ti/sdo/ipc/family/tci663x/] ========
======== .dlls [./packages/ti/sdo/ipc/family/tda3xx/] ========
Starting build of library sources …
======== .dlls [./packages/ti/sdo/ipc/family/ti81xx/] ========
======== .dlls [./packages/ti/sdo/ipc/family/vayu/] ========
======== .dlls [./packages/ti/sdo/ipc/gates/] ========
======== .dlls [./packages/ti/sdo/ipc/heaps/] ========
======== .dlls [./packages/ti/sdo/ipc/interfaces/] ========
======== .dlls [./packages/ti/sdo/ipc/notifyDrivers/] ========
======== .dlls [./packages/ti/sdo/ipc/nsremote/] ========
======== .dlls [./packages/ti/sdo/ipc/transports/] ========
======== .dlls [./packages/ti/sdo/utils/] ========
configuring smpInstrumented.pem4 from package/cfg/smpInstrumented_pem4.cfg …
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xss2560k
error: xdc.cfg.Program: “/home/osboxes/bbx15/tisdk/build/arago-tmp-external-linaro-toolchain/sysroots/am57xx-evm/usr/share/
ti/ti-xdctools-tree/packages/xdc/cfg/Program.xs”, line 71: xdc.cfg.Program : The package ‘ti.sysbios.knl’ is not compatible with
XDCtools used in this build. Please either use XDCtools compatible with that package, or update the product containing that package,
or rebuild the package with XDCtools 3.50 or later.
js: “/home/osboxes/bbx15/tisdk/build/arago-tmp-external-linaro-toolchain/sysroots/am57xx-evm/usr/share/ti/ti-xdctools-tree/packages/xdc/cfg/Main.xs”,
line 160: Error: Configuration failed!
Just tested with success the newer version of the Processor-SDK Most of the examples /usr/share/ti/examples/ are currently working using the multicore functionnality. Right now, only edmabw causes kernel crash…