RE: Character Device and Adding /dev/js0 to the Modules List


I have been reading and I want to announce it. It seems w/ the newest kernel from for the IoT image of the BBBW, the character device is now the most prevalent file system to use under /dev.

I have also been reading this bunch of text:


Besides that idea, I came to the conclusion that under 15 char on the repo from above is a digital controller that we can add to our modules list at /dev/djs0.

/dev/djs0 is the actual digital joystick.


P.S. If you are knowing of how I can produce this module on my board w/out CC (cross compiling), please join in. If not, join in anyway.


Okay…so I may have mistaken ideas for much-needed-trials/testing.

Anyway…do not worry about the /dev/djs0 module b/c I think I can use digital joysticks w/out this module. Aw?


P.S. If you are using the character device file system instead of sysfs, please join in. Ideas circulating can only help our cause. Cause!