RE: Hello and the Compatibility Layer for the BBAI from lorforlinux/Hello!


I have been trying to produce some Compatibility Layer actions for the AI from

I seem to be killing the board off each time I perform those actions. Is anyone else using the AI for older source to make older repos. work that were intentionally used for the BBB, BBBW, and so on?

I am asking b/c I have not yet figured out how to perform these actions w/ ease, success, or at all.


P.S. When, on the page listed above after a fresh install of a new image for my AI, I get stuck here:

sudo cp src/arm/am5729-beagleboneai.dtb /boot/dtbs/4.19*/

That line ends up w/ an error on my end stating am5729-beagleboneai.dtb cannot be found. I reboot and the board seems to not boot. I will update the image again. I was using kernel 4.14.x stock w/out updating the kernel from w/in the AI. I will update to 4.19.x to test and return service. If you have any ideas, please post at will.

That’s all been merged, just grab

And enjoy it…


As usual, thank you sir. Off to finish the download and install of that image from the listed link.


Hello Again,

Um, does the TIDL stuff work w/ the image you listed or are others still working on perfecting that source?


P.S. Please let me know if you find time. If you do not answer, that is okay too. I will try to install it.


First off, sorry. I just had to use the parent directory radio button on the site you listed. Buster IoT TIDL!


The tild image runs an older kernel that doesn’t support the topic of this thread.


Hello…yes sir. Understood. No issue.
