I posted in the wrong dept. as usual. I feel as though, yes, first I owe an apology. Next though, I would like to discuss FPGA, RISC-V, and RTL. Guess what? You guessed it! I am new to all three but I can provide what I am currently learning in case others would like to bandwagon on the same technical pages online.
and last but not least...the standard (pricey)...
Oh...one last thing: https://www.fossi-foundation.org/
I was looking for the edX.org page I signed up for online but it is MIA for now. The fellow from MachineKit.io or an affiliate or person that is listed on one of their sites has extensive knowledge of verilog, system verilog from what I understand. He started a course on the computer’s computer language and hardware ideas surrounding this information.
Anyway, I just wanted to through out some ideas to get things circulating. I am sure all people are working and living life. So, no rush.
But, if you get bored one day and would like to discuss things, I am w/ open ears.
P.S. I am in no way affiliated so far w/ any entity I have listed nor do I condone people and their private concerns. So, public Joe, here I am. Also, sorry for posting in the incorrect category. I said I needed to apologize and so, there it is…
I am sure someone out in userland is building. Would anyone want to go in on a for-loss payment to someone who teaches about ASICs and building w/ VHDL and other techniques?
If not and if that is totally out-of-the-question, okay. Understood. Where does the .org stand on building specific chips for boards in general? Is it possible for the beagleboard.org persons to teach this idea and factual technology?
I am slow and elongated on chat, i.e. this may take me forever to communicate.
- In one year, I have accomplished some things and learned a lot about technology, how technology can turn scarce, and how technology can build egos.
- For instance, when I do well w/ tech. in general, I feel a sense of built stamina and overall success w/ myself.
- Outside of weird time for anyone reading this idea, I was thinking of putting together some users that may want more out of life.
a. A User: Me, you, and anyone else who would like to learn more about specific endeavors.
b. Me: Seth
c. You: whomever, i.e. as long as you like to learn about Open Behaviors in Open Source/Open Hardware.
d. Anyone Else: People in general looking to learn more in groups, i.e. not alone in confidential circumstances.
Anyway…that is the plight of Sat. Night so far from me.
P.S. Gates, OR, AND, NOT, and the rest…
Oh! If it is you that will teach this particular instance of learning, please do step up. I enjoy a good try.
I highly recommend checking out Matthew Venn and his Zero to ASIC course:
It teaches everything needed to design a chip with open source tools that Google will fab for no cost:
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@DrewFustini ,
Hey sir, thank you for the link to the google Open Silicon. As in most things, I am barely novice but I really appreciate someone replying.
I am more geared towards group sessions w/ people that may help one day to put a board together.
Currently, I am just me. So, I am not part of a group or greater good. I only can learn so much as one individual as the saying goes.
P.S. Again, I repeat again, thank you for the google link. I have reviewed it and will keep it up on the tabs of ideas and hopefully one day will have a story to tell! Oh and I just recently became familiar w/ the Zero to ASIC Course. I may jump on in. Who knows?