I’m also trying to follow the tutorials and build a custom gateware.
@Vauban @RobertCNelson Can You please approve my request for forking the repo?
my username: cshegedus
I’m also trying to follow the tutorials and build a custom gateware.
@Vauban @RobertCNelson Can You please approve my request for forking the repo?
my username: cshegedus
and enabled
Please enable me to fork. My username is ahmedf
looks like it’s enabled (maybe another admin beat me) either way please let us know.
I’d like to fork as well, github is Embedded-Tinkerer
You need to sign-up/link an account: Sign up · GitLab
Thanks, its working, appreciate your support .
requesting access for sbss1, thank you.
It seems that I no longer have access to my account on beagleboard.org. Could you allow me write / push access to my gateware account ?
Hi, could I have access to openbeagle.org (the account is pending approval) and to fork please?
My user name is, usernamenaijan
Thank you.
Please can I be enabled to fork as well, my username is sam.jeffery
Hello, could you enable me as well?
Username: driquelme
Hi, can I get enabled?
Username: TestOLab
Thank you.
your enabled…
Hi, my account is still not working, as mentioned in my message above, I want to fork but I can’t even sign in.
I get this message when I try to sign into Openbeagle.org,
“Your account is pending approval from your GitLab administrator and hence blocked. Please contact your GitLab administrator if you think this is an error.”
I get this message with all 3 methods (creating an account, linking my github account, and linking my gitlab account.)
Please approve my account. Thank you.
Try to sign in with another account, i.e. not github.
P.S. I had an issue with linking github to gitlab for openbeagle.
I’ve tried creating new accounts as well, but I end up with the same message.
“Your account is pending approval from your GitLab administrator and hence blocked. Please contact your GitLab administrator if you think this is an error.”
I thought may be my hotmail and gmail email addresses are preventing approval, so tried my own domain’s email address but that didn’t help.
We’ve had a massive spam problem, found your account with email… a*a@h*l.com
so it’s enabled now…
Is this where I request access? I believe I signed up with the username KG.
Thank You,