Hi there, you can try my instruction below to flash eMMC for your BBBlack:
Step1: Download minimal version of BBBlack eMMC Flasher image (because it is lightweight and has the basic OS for booting up BBBlack)
-Reference link:
-I recommend download this file: am335x-eMMC-flasher-debian-11.7-minimal-armhf-2023-09-02-2gb.img.xz 10
-You may need to verify the checksum of your downloaded image vs source to avoid any issue could happen later
Step 2: Download “balenaEtcher” software (select the right version for your PC), it is recommended tool to flash image to microSD card
-Please use microSD card storage <= 32GB since there’s an issue with larger storage (happened to me) cause failed to flash image to Beagle Bone
Step 3: Run balenaEtcher as administrator, select the image downloaded from Step 1, select your microSD card, click “Flash” and wait till Flash completed
Step 4: Disconnect BBBlack power, insert microSD card to BBBlack, connect BBBlack power, wait until Flashing process completed
-During Flashing process, BBBlack’s User LEDs should blinking in order for example: 1-2-3-4, 4-3-2-1 until the flash process finished. When flash process completed, BBBlack will power off (if you connect BBBlack’s UART debug to PC, you will see all the messages of the flash process)
Step 5: Disconnect BBBlack power, remove microSD card, connect BBBlack power again
At this point, your BBBlack should work normally
If there are any failures, you should connect UART debug of BBBlack to PC to monitor what’s happening