RPC package for beaglebone


i need to use RPC protocol on Beaglebone
i dont find any package or command : portmapper, rpcbind, rpcinfo …

what pachage or command arent available for this card ?


I am using xml-rpc with PERL. Here is the reference: http://search.cpan.org/~daan/XML-RPC-0.9/lib/XML/RPC.pm
It is reliable. I have used xml-rpc C/C++ library a few years ago on x86. It is not as reliable as the PERL XML::RPC module.
My Beagles are Beagleboard version C.

I believe those commands are available in the Ubuntu build for the Beaglebone. (I’m not running Ubuntu on the 'bone, but the on my XM running Ubuntu Oneiric those commands are in the rpcbind package).

For instructions on installing Ubuntu on the Beaglebone, see http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardUbuntu#Oneiric_11.10.


just opkg install them, e.g. 'opkg install rpcbind portmap'

They are available in angstrom as well, no need for ubuntu


Are you sure rpcbind is the correct package name? On my Beaglebone, opkg finds portmap, but not rpcbind.




Are you sure rpcbind is the correct package name? On my Beaglebone, opkg
finds portmap, but not rpcbind.

I seem to recall that Debian, and therefore probably Ubuntu, went through
a change recently from portmap to rpcbind, which may explain the difference.
I think both basically do the same thing.


yes, both should be there.



thanks for all reply
i find the solution with ubuntu distrib

in the first time i do not search rpc package in Angstrom distrib correctly …
i solved all problems with ubuntu
my project Kununtu to BB ubuntu works very well

other question

the RPC server is mandatory to run with root privilege ?
the security context is strange
