sd card format

Is it possible to mount the microsd card in a format other then vfat? I’m not really sure if that is the issue, maybe what I want to do isn’t even possible on a microsd card. The card is formated as a Linux partition but /etc/mtab mounts it as a vfat partition.

When i try to link files on the card I get the error operation not permitted.

I have a very slow application that I want to build for the beaglebone and I want to use the sdcard for logging and application data storage/retrieval.

meanwhile I will look for another way to get extra storage for my application.

You did not mention which OS system/release you were trying to use.

Generally, the releases come set up for a 4 GB space uSD card.

Load that on a larger card, and then use ‘gparted’ on another Linux computer, or some other utility to expand the partition on the card to access the entire card.

I am currently running Debian 8.3 on a 128 GB uSD card without problems. The main Linux partition shows 118 GB available.

— Graham