Status of BBB SGX FB driver


What's the status of the SGX FB driver?
Are there any prebuilt images that work out of the box?
Any example code for pure FP applications?


Pretty much any ubuntu/debian image, just have the either the
3.14.x-ti or 4.1.x kernel installed thru apt:

Then follow:

are the sgx drivers useful for most people.. no...



What’s the status of the SGX FB driver?
Are there any prebuilt images that work out of the box?
Any example code for pure FP applications?

Pretty much any ubuntu/debian image, just have the either the
3.14.x-ti or 4.1.x kernel installed thru apt:

Then follow:

are the sgx drivers useful for most people… no…


I need to capture s-video frames and overlay various information and output to hdmi in vga resolution. I have no need for input.

Would this scenario benefit from sgx?
