Strange question from a newbie

I have a strange question that Googling hasn’t been able to resolve and I am betting that the answer is simple. I am using the 8-19 LXDE flasher image (I realize that it is an alpha). It loads fine, and pretty much everything seems to be happy (standalone, ssh, vnc) and ticking along. Here’s the funny question - the rootfs is very full but I only see a couple of things on the LXDE menu. I am pretty sure things like python are there but nothing in the menu. Likewise with the Accessories menu - Leafpad, Lxterminal, and something else - that’s it.

If I were to run something along the lines of “apt-get reinstall all” would I be chancing a total trainwreck? Is there something that can go through the file system and populate the menu - even if I need to change the categories? One note - I did add a user so I am not running the “debian” account.

Thanks in advance for the assistance.


Not 100% sure about what would happen in your case. I am running Ubuntu 14.04 with LXDE which I added on myself after the initial install. As a result everything I expect to be in the menu is in there. Might be a better way to go and safer too.

If I were to run something along the lines of “apt-get reinstall all” would I be chancing a total trainwreck? Is there something that can go through the file system and populate the menu - even if I need to change the categories? One note - I did add a user so I am not running the “debian” account.

Would you do a frame off restoration on a car just because that car had a flat tire ? I wouldn’t.

First, did you check to see if these “menu items” existed for root, and the debian users ? If they do, then perhaps all you need to do is add your normal user to some group to get the same treatment.

With that said, if you have a specific use for your BBB it may be best to build your own system from scratch. What do you intend do do with your beaglebone ?