I am trying to install TI Linux SDK and its SD Card image named tisdk-edgeai-image-j722s-evm.wic.xz for AM67A processor provided from TI on the BeagleY-Ai evaluation board but the board doesn’t boot with that image.
I wrote that image to SD card with Rufus(balenaEtcher doesn’t open on my W10 PC) and insert it into the board, but it doesn’t boot and doesn’t open. I can’t connect via terminal with ssh. The LED on board that should blink to indicate booting remains fixed as red. I tried the v09x and v10x of the that image, the result didn’t change.
The Debian image provided by BeagleBoard opens without any problems by following the same steps.
How can tisdk-edgeai-image-j722s-evm.wic.xz image boot on BeagleY-Ai? I will asked this because I am inexperienced: There is no EMMC on the board. Can be U-Boot need to be running on EMMC to load this image?
It will not work. device tree and uboot are not the same as beagley.
About all you can use is the BB official image for the board.
I gave up on some of the ti stuff, hit so many dead ends that are from issues that we don’t have control over its not worth the headaches.
The official image runs fine, did some changes to it and it is good enough for what was needed to be done. Post what you are trying to accomplish with the board and maybe all of us on here can get you running.
Got it, it was very explanatory, thank you. I understand why image doesn’t work, but I think SDK is only related to the processor. I am, now, trying to install TI Linux SDK. I want to use capabilities like cross compile using TI SDK. When I follow the installation steps in the document, the board cannot be detected by the setup script. I think this is also because the board is not supported by the SDK, right? Can I use TI SDK for this purpose or should I abandon the TI softwares with BeagleY-Ai as you said?
My friends want to design our own board using this board’s processor. I will post other topics about project on the forum when our project progresses. I want to work on Yocto eventually.
That is dependent upon what you are doing. If you have a directive that mandates the use of the SoC and/or board you will have to dig in and find a solution.
With us I am the one that has the final word, my direction is like the flow of electricity and will go down the path of least resistance.
Many players out there, we will buy a board and dev kit and have at it. Keep in mind this stuff is a one HUGE infomercial, the docs provided will always guarantee that you get “blinky” and other trivial features up and running. When it gets down to using critical parts of the SoC like gpu, dsp, modifying the device tree you will be walking into the abyss. That turns into lost money when your team has spent countless hours on a project. Or even worse you have a hardware design that is committed and you cannot get the device tree up or some other critical feature. What is your ONLY option, turn to people that sold the product and pay them, see how this works. Its a recurring theme that you need to look out for.